Preliminary program

08:45    Registration & Welcome coffee

09:30    Introduction to the Conference by Prof. Patsy Renard, UNamur

09:35    Non-coding RNA, the dark side of the genome. INAUGURAL LECTURE

Dr. Antonin MORILLON, ncRNA, Epigenetic and Genome Fluidity, Institut Curie, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France

10:05    Translation as an unexpected player in the metabolism of long non-coding RNAs

Dr. Maxime WERY, ncRNA, Epigenetic and Genome Fluidity, Institut Curie, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France

10:20    LncRNAs in melanoma: lost in Translation?

Prof. Eleonora LEUCCI, Laboratory for RNA Cancer Biology, Department of Oncology, KU Leuven, Belgium 

10:50    SCOPE technologies:  Visualizing non-coding RNA Sponsor talk

Mathias VAN BULCK, Sales specialist Genomics at Advanced Cell Diagnostics (Bio-Techne)

11:00   Coffee break

11:30    Ribosomopathies: human diseases of ribosome biogenesis dysfunction          

Prof. Denis LAFONTAINE, RNA Molecular Biology, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

12:00    Differential 2’-O-methylation of U14 in 5.8S rRNA affects translation regulation and promotes a disease cellular phenotype

Alzbeta CHABRONOVA, Laboratory for Experimental Orthopedics, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, MUMC+, Maastricht, The Netherlands

12:15    Mitochondrial dynamic regulates miRNA expression in breast cancer

Dr. Stéphanie HERKENNE, Laboratory of Molecular Angiogenesis, GIGA-Institute, University of Liège, Belgium

12:30    New Bio-Rad long non-coding RNA qPCR workflow Sponsor talk

Dr. Caroline WEYDERT, Sales Specialist Genomics at Bio-Rad

12:40    Promega tools for Cell Health studies : Viability and Cytotoxicity in Real Time Sponsor talk

Dr. Vincent VAN HEE, Client support Specialist at Promega Corporation

12:50   Lunch & poster session

14:00    A novel lncRNA, B13, regulates progenitor amplification and cerebral cortex expansion          

Dr. Julieta APREA, Center for Regenerative Therapies, School of Medicine, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany

14:30    X chromosome dosage compensation: a lncRNA-mediated regulation

Irène TALON, Department of Development and Regeneration, Institute for Single Cell Omics (LISCO), Leuven Stem Cell Institute (SCIL), KULeuven, Belgium

14:45    Wobble tRNA modification: a new vulnerability in cancer

Dr. Pierre CLOSE, Laboratory of Cancer Signaling, GIGA-Institute, University of Liège, Belgium

15:15    TRMT10A deficiency-induced 5’-tRNAGln fragments modulate gene expression in pancreatic β-cells

Maria Nicol ARROYO, ULB Center for Diabetes Research, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

15:30    Coffee break

16:00    Roles and regulation of non-coding RNAs in viral infections

Dr. Sébastien PFEFFER, Architecture and Reactivity of RNA, Institut de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire du CNRS, Université de Strasbourg, France

16:30    Are non-coding Simbuviruses RNA structures involved in transcription termination and translation?

Laura BONIL, Veterinary Integrated Research Unit, Faculty of Sciences, Namur Research Institute for Life Sciences (NARILIS), University of Namur, Belgium

16:45    Dissecting lncRNA functions in cancer

Prof. Pieter MESTDAGH, OncoRNALab, Cancer Research Institute Ghent, Center for Medical Genetics, Ghent university, Belgium

17:15    Concluding remarks and Awards by Prof. Charles Nicaise, UNamur