Lionel D'Hondt
Clinical oncology
Prof. Lionel D'Hondt MD, PhD
CHU UCL Namur, Site Godinne, Department of Oncology
Member of the Namur Cancer Research Pole
ORCID | ResearchGate | LinkedIn
Expertise and research interests
Glioblastoma - Prostatic neoplasms - Brain neoplasms - Liquid biopsy - Circulating tumor DNA - Circulating microRNA - Circulating neoplastic cells - Extracellular vesicles - Biomarkers
Research projects
In collaboration with UNamur
- Traitement du cancer du pancréas localement avancé intégrant l’électroporation irréversible. Clinical study by Dr. Claude Bertrand, Prof. Alexandra Dili and Prof. Lionel D'Hondt, CHU UCL Namur.
- Pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy - PIPAC. Clinical study by Dr. Constantin Kothonidis, Dr. Claude Bertrand, and Prof. Lionel D'Hondt, CHU UCL Namur.
- An international, multicentric, prospective, open label study to assess the efficacy and safety of lanreotide autogel 120 mg associated to standard of care in the treatment of clinical symptoms associated with inoperable malignant intestinal obstruction (imio) [study number: a-48-52030-269]. Clinical study by Dr. Claude Bertrand and Prof. Lionel D'Hondt, CHU UCL Namur (2014-2017).
Selected publications
Pairon C, Dili A, Bertrand C, D'Hondt L, Fervaille C, Donckier JE. Effective multimodal management of a giant adrenocortical carcinoma. Acta Chir Belg. 2023 Aug;123(4):444-447.
Stanimir M, Lorge F, D'Hondt L, Nollevaux MC, Di Gregorio M. Metastasis to the penis from a bladder carcinoma invading only the lamina propria: case report and description of the morphological aspects. Rom J Morphol Embryol. 2023 Jan-Mar;64(1):89-94.
Collette F, Lawson G, Hassid S, Delahaut G, Bachy V, Van Der Vorst S, Faugeras L, Gilliaux Q, D'Hondt L. Aggressive recurrent respiratory papillomatosis: A series of five consecutive patients successfully treated with adjuvant intravenous bevacizumab. A single Belgian academic center experience. Head Neck. 2023 Feb 25.
Ronvaux L, Riva M, Coosemans A, Herzog M, Rommelaere G, Donis N, D'Hondt L, Douxfils J. Liquid Biopsy in Glioblastoma. Cancers (Basel). 2022 Jul 13;14(14):3394.
Gilliaux Q, Faugeras L, Martinet JP, De Ronde T, Badaoui A, Bertrand C, Dili A, Delos M, Jamart J, Baily A, D'Hondt L. Incidence and Prognosis of Biliary Tract and Gallbladder Cancers in a Belgian Academic Hospital. J Gastrointest Cancer. 2021 Sep;52(3):1003-1009.
Schmit K, Chen JW, Ayama-Canden S, Fransolet M, Finet L, Demazy C, D'Hondt L, Graux C, Michiels C. Characterization of the role of TMEM45A in cancer cell sensitivity to cisplatin. Cell Death Dis. 2019 Dec 4;10(12):919.
Faugeras L, Pirson AS, Donckier J, Michel L, Lemaire J, Vandervorst S, D'Hondt L. Refractory thyroid carcinoma: which systemic treatment to use? Ther Adv Med Oncol. 2018 Jan 23;10:1758834017752853.
Rahier JF, Druez A, Faugeras L, Martinet JP, Géhénot M, Josseaux E, Herzog M, Micallef J, George F, Delos M, De Ronde T, Badaoui A, D'Hondt L. Circulating nucleosomes as new blood-based biomarkers for detection of colorectal cancer. Clin Epigenetics. 2017 May 15;9:53.