Morgane Canonne

Translational Research Laboratory

Dr. Morgane Canonne PhD

CHU UCL Namur, Site Godinne, Head of Translational Research Laboratory 

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Expertise and research interests

Morgane Canonne holds a PhD in Biological sciences from the UNamur. She carried out her doctoral research at the Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology (URBC-NARILIS) under the supervision of Prof. Patsy Renard. Her PhD thesis focused on the putative role of MPV17 in cancer cell proliferation. Read thesis summary

In October 2020, she joined the CHU UCL Namur to set up a research laboratory in the Godinne hospital premises to develop biomedical research activities on site using patient biomaterial. Her missions are to provide intellectually/technically support to research projects initiated by clinicians, as well as to establish benefitting collaborations between clinicians and external researchers.

She is an experienced research laboratory manager, specialized in cellular and molecular biology, with extensive experience in project management, experimental work, and scientific writing. Practical competences: cell culture, (RT-q)PCR, protein extraction and dosage, western blot, cell culture of cell lines and primary cells, lentiviral transduction, cell transfection, RNAi, circular RNAs, RNA sequencing, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, immunoprecipitation, flux cytometry, mass spectrometry, cell-based assays, ELISA, microscopy…

Research projects

  • ONGOING Optimization of cocultures for the assessment of new therapeutics against blood cancers.

   In collaboration with UNamur

  • ONGOING Optimization of human primary adipose sample (cryo)preservation, cell isolation and culture in order to characterize the estrogenic component in lipedema. Research collaboration between Prof. Thierry Arnould and Prof. Patsy Renard, UNamur; Dr. Christine Deconink, CHU UCL Namur; Dr. Morgane Canonne, CHU UCL Namur.

Selected publication

Canonne M, Wanet A, Nguyen TTA, Khelfi A, Ayama-Canden S, Van Steenbrugge M, Fattaccioli A, Sokal E, Najimi M, Arnould T, Renard P. MPV17 does not control cancer cell proliferation. PLoS One. 2020 Mar 10;15(3):e0229834.
