NARILIS Grant Application Form Your E-Mail Address Last name First name Institution Choose a valueUNamurCHU UCL Namur Laboratory / Department Status Choose a valuePhD studentPostdocClinician-researcherOther Current affiliation to NARILIS For UNamur only 100% 50% Thesis promoter/supervisor Conference title Conference start date Conference end date Place Link to the conference website Abstract submitted Notification of acceptance of the abstract The abstract is accepted for poster presentation The abstract is accepted for oral communication Not yet received Application to other funding sources yes no If yes, which funding source(s) (i.e. FNRS, FWB, science society, conference grant...) Comments NOTE: The applicant must have an abstract accepted for poster/oral presentation by the organizers of the conference. It is however possible to apply prior having received the notification of acceptance. Once available, please send to the proof of acceptance of the abstract (notification email from the conference organizer or conference proceeding/abstract book).