“Why do some people appear younger than others?” A new EUREKA capsule by Prof. Florence Chainiaux

Prof. Florence Chainiaux, FNRS Research Associate in cell biology at the UNamur, participated in the second season of EUREKA. These concise and dynamic popular science capsules, developed in collaboration with RTL TVI, delve into simple scientific questions alongside FNRS researchers, emphasizing the omnipresence and significance of research in our society.

In a new capsule released in February 2024, Florence Chainiaux talks about her research on ageing. While ageing is a natural phenomenon, the mechanisms of ageing and why some people appear younger than others remain intriguing.

The research group led by Florence Chainiaux, called SAGE for "Stress and AGEing", focuses on the interconnection between stress and cellular senescence, a phenomenon defined as the irreversible arrest of normally dividing cells.

Watch the video to learn more about senescent cells, how they function and accumulate, particularly in skin tissues.


Florence Chainiaux - florence.chainiaux@unamur.be