A two-day intensive training introducing NARILIS researchers to the concepts of systematic review and meta-analysis

Two days of intensive training took place on the 22nd and 23rd of February 2024, to familiarize NARILIS researchers with the principles of systematic review and meta-analysis. This workshop was given by Charlotte Beaudart, holder of a PhD in Public Health, Epidemiology and Health Economics from the ULiège, and currently Professor of Clinical Research at the UNamur.

Around thirty researchers from different backgrounds and disciplines participated, with about ten being clinicians. The first day provided a comprehensive introduction to systematic review, shedding light on how we can make sense of the thousands of scientific papers published every week. Participants familiarized themselves with the rigorous methodology of systematic reviews, learning how to synthesize and summarize existing knowledge, with the goal of uncovering “all” of the evidence relevant to a question. On Day 2, the focus shifted to meta-analysis, where participants had the opportunity to explore the statistical techniques used to combine and summarize the results of multiple individual studies on the same topic.

NARILIS would like to thank Charlotte Beaudart for her commitment and valuable contribution to the training of the next generation of researchers!

Contact : charlotte.beaudart@unamur.be