NAB-X, the new plasma biobank of the University of Namur

NAB-X stands for Namur Biobank Exchange. This new biobank, located at the Department of Pharmacy, is operational since August 2019. Its role is to store and make available human fluid samples (non-tissue samples) for the purposes of scientific research, in appropriate ethical and technical conditions and in accordance with the national legislation.

The manager of the biobank is the pharmacist Prof. Jean-Michel Dogné. The daily coordination is carried out by Dr. Julie Laloy (postdoc researcher), Hélène Haguet (PhD student) and Philippe Devel (Lab technician).

Currently, only blood samples and derivatives (plasma, serum) are stored in the NAB-X biobank, but other body fluids such as cerebrospinal fluid, feces, urine and sperm could also be included in the future.

Thanks to this unique structure, the UNamur and NARILIS look forward to increase opportunity for collaboration with academic and industrial partners.

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