New collaboration between OncoDNA and UNamur to advance esophageal cancer research

“Doctorat en entreprise” financed by the Walloon region

A grant of 470.390 € has been awarded by the Walloon Region to allow a young scientist to carry out a doctoral research at OncoDNA, a cancer theranostic company based in Gosselies. The academic partner and thesis promoter is Prof. Jean-Pierre Gillet, head of the Laboratory of Molecular Cancer Biology (URPhyM) at the UNamur and member of NARILIS.

Esophageal cancer rarely presents with specific symptoms, rendering early detection very difficult. Moreover, esophageal cancer has a poor treatment response and the 5-year survival rate is only 15%. The project aims at advancing diagnosis and treatment of esophageal cancer through the identification of circulating tumor DNA and the characterization of genomic alterations associated with treatment failure. The ultimate goal is to be able to give patients personalized treatments, with higher chances of success.

Contact: Prof. Jean-Pierre Gillet