QUALIblood S.A., the new UNamur spin-off company fighting thrombosis, founded by NARILIS members

Thrombosis kills three people a minute in Europe. In Belgium, this represents 25.000 deaths per year. Helping pharmaceutical companies and laboratories to better treat and diagnose this cardiovascular disease, such is the ambition of the new UNamur spin-off called "QUALIblood S.A."

This company has just been founded by three NARILIS members, coming from the Pharmacy Department of the UNamur: Dr. Jonathan Douxfils, Dr. Damien Gheldof and Prof. Bernard Masereel. On the investor side, the spin-off is supported by Conseil Gestion Organisation (CGO) S.A., a company from the industrialist Philippe Delaunois, as well as by the investment company Namur Invest, the fund UNamur Venture and the CHU UCL Namur.

Go to Qualiblood website