Wrapping up 2023 with the traditional NARILIS Annual Meeting
On December 21, our scientific community closed the year 2023 with the traditional NARILIS Annual Meeting (www.narilis.be/events/narilis-annual-meeting). This event is an opportunity for our researchers to present their work and to engage in meaningful discussions with other members of our multidisciplinary research community.
The event featured nine inspiring talks presented in duo, trio or quartet formats, highlighting the benefits of collaboration and the power of teamwork! The Best Communication prize was awarded to a duo of PhD students, Kaoutar Idouz and Benjamin Hanotieau from the research group of Prof. Nathalie Kirschvink (UNamur, URPhyM). They captivated the audience with their original talk “C'est pas sorcier”: The endothelial glycocalyx in cardiovascular diseases and cerebral death.
In addition to the talks, attendees experienced an exceptional and dynamic poster session with 20 presentations covering a wide range of research topics. One unique aspect of this year's meeting was the organization of 6-minute speed datings in small groups. This innovative format was particularly praised by the participants as it greatly facilitated sharing and networking. The speed dating groups nominated six winners who were particularly convincing with their presentation: Asena Aynaci (URPhyM), Inès Bouriez (URBC), Nicolas Halloin (URPhyM, Valentin Job (LARN), Louise Pierre (URBC) and Eloïse Rapport (URBC).
The gathering was also the occasion to hold our General Assembly. Prof. Charles Nicaise (UNamur) and Prof. Lionel D’Hondt (CHU UCL Namur), President and Vice-President of NARILIS, used this moment to reflect on the significant achievements of NARILIS in the year 2023.
To close the afternoon, NARILIS members celebrated all successes around a drink and a dinner.
NARILIS would like to thank everyone who took part in this vibrant meeting!