Michel Jadot
Lysosomal function and dysfunction
Investigating lysosomal biogenesis and physiology
Prof. Michel Jadot PhD
UNamur, Department of biomedical sciences, Molecular Physiology Research Unit (URPhyM)
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Expertise and research interests
Prof. Michel Jadot studies the endolysosomal system, in normal and pathological conditions, with a focus on intracellular trafficking and proteomic analysis.
Group members
Scientific collaborator: Dr. Isabelle Hamer
PhD students: François van den Bossche, Asena Aynaci
Research projects
- ONGOING Structural and functional characterization of the lysosomal protein SLC35F6. Ongoing PhD thesis by François van den Bossche. Under co-supervision by Prof. Michel Jadot (promoter) and Prof. Marielle Boonen (co-promoter).
- ONGOING Mutations in the gene coding for GlcNAc-1-phosphotransferase: alteration of acid hydrolase trafficking in uterine cancer cells and consequences on cell aggressiveness. Ongoing PhD thesis by Asena Aynaci. Under co-supervision by Prof. Marielle Boonen (promoter) and Prof. Michel Jadot (co-promoter)
- ONGOING Mutations in the gene coding for GlcNAc-1-phosphotransferase: alteration of acid hydrolase trafficking in breast cancer cells and consequences on cell aggressiveness. Ongoing PhD thesis by Maxence Toussaint. Under co-supervision by Prof. Marielle Boonen (promoter) and Prof. Michel Jadot (co-promoter)
- ONGOING The lysosomal hydrolase HYAL1, an actor of bone remodeling? Research collaboration between Prof. Michel Jadot, Prof. Marielle Boonen, Prof. Bruno Flamion, and Prof. Jean-Michel vandeweerd.
- ONGOING Subcellular proteomics. Research collaboration between UNamur (Prof. Marielle Boonen & Prof. Michel Jadot) and Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine, New Jersey, USA (Dr. David Sleat and Prof. Peter Lobel)
- ONGOING Is a trafficking defect between endolysosomes and lysosomes the underlying cause of spastic paraplegia 21? Ongoing project under co-supervision by Prof. Marielle Boonen and Prof. Michel Jadot.
Selected publications
Van den Bossche F, Tevel V, Gilis F, Gaussin JF, Boonen M, Jadot M. Residence of the Nucleotide Sugar Transporter Family Members SLC35F1 and SLC35F6 in the Endosomal/Lysosomal Pathway. Int J Mol Sci. 2024 Jun 18;25(12):6718.
Jadot M, Boonen M, Thirion J, Wang N, Xing J, Zhao C, Tannous A, Qian M, Zheng H, Everett JK, Moore DF, Sleat DE, Lobel P. Accounting for Protein Subcellular Localization: A Compartmental Map of the Rat Liver Proteome. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2017 Feb;16(2):194-212.
Boonen M, Staudt C, Gilis F, Oorschot V, Klumperman J, Jadot M. Cathepsin D and its newly identified transport receptor SEZ6L2 can modulate neurite outgrowth. J Cell Sci. 2016 Feb 1;129(3):557-68.
Della Valle MC, Sleat DE, Zheng H, Moore DF, Jadot M, Lobel P. Classification of subcellular location by comparative proteomic analysis of native and density-shifted lysosomes. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2011 Apr;10(4):M110.006403.
Sun P, Sleat DE, Lecocq M, Hayman AR, Jadot M, Lobel P. Acid phosphatase 5 is responsible for removing the mannose 6-phosphate recognition marker from lysosomal proteins. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Oct 28;105(43):16590-5.
Boonen M, Hamer I, Boussac M, Delsaute AF, Flamion B, Garin J, Jadot M. Intracellular localization of p40, a protein identified in a preparation of lysosomal membranes. Biochem J. 2006 Apr 1;395(1):39-47.
Naureckiene S, Sleat DE, Lackland H, Fensom A, Vanier MT, Wattiaux R, Jadot M, Lobel P. Identification of HE1 as the second gene of Niemann-Pick C disease. Science. 2000 Dec 22;290(5500):2298-301.
Jadot M, Lin L, Sleat DE, Sohar I, Hsu MS, Pintar J, Dubois F, Wattiaux-De Coninck S, Wattiaux R, Lobel P. Subcellular localization of mannose 6-phosphate glycoproteins in rat brain. J Biol Chem. 1999 Jul 23;274(30):21104-13.